DBJ has acted quickly to assist MSMEs in the developing COVID-19 pandemic. In recognition of the impact on our valued sub-borrowers, the following relief is available through your bank.
Interest Rate Reduction of 0.75% for April and May 2020
(on existing DBJ loans)
Rescheduling of DBJ-Funded Loans and CEF Guaranteed Loans
Our Banking partners will be allowed to apply for rescheduling of DBJ-funded loans and CEF guaranteed loans to assist sub-borrowers facing temporary setbacks. These will be processed on a case-by-case basis.
Additional Funding for Businesses
Additional loan funding is available under our various lines of credit to our AFIs for on-lending to businesses needing working capital support and for new investment. MSMEs needing to reposition their businesses can also access business support services under our Voucher for Technical Assistance programme
CEF Guarantees for Businesses
Partial loan guarantees of up to J$30 million are also available to support loans to MSMEs through DBJ’s Credit Enhancement Facility (CEF). The CEF guarantee can be used to support MSME loans made using the DBJ’s funds or with the AFI’s funds.