With the recent upgrades, CEF applications from your bank are automatic and are done in real time. No need to wait in line for a response. With our newly installed customized Management Information System (MIS) all applications are faster, easier, real time and online. Same-day approval may be facilitated subject to all necessary documentation being received by your bank and submission of your approved application sent to the DBJ. See participating institutions.
Step 1 : Go to your preferred bank

Step 2 : Talk to your business banker at the branch

Step 3 : Provide all the requested documents

Step 4 : Discuss your ability to repay

Step 5 : The bank will review the application based on their credit adjudication policies

Step 6 : The bank will appraise the project proposal

Step 7 : The bank is responsible for assessing the application and may approve or decline based on its credit adjudication policies.

Step 8 : If the proposal is seen as favorable it will be approved and a recommendation will be made to DBJ

Step 9 : Your banker may determine that a DBJ loan may not be suitable for you and support you in other ways. However, you can still benefit from the security of a DBJ guarantee.